Health & Safety
General statement for Health & Safety
This is the general statement for the Health and Safety Policy for Compass Construction Ltd and shall be implemented in all our undertakings. In all of our activities and operations we will work with our staff, its representatives and our contractors and suppliers to:
- Comply fully with all legal requirements and meet or exceed health and safety standards.
- Provide a secure working environment by protecting ourselves, our assets and our operations against risk of injury, loss or damage and thereby protecting our business.
- Ensure that all our employees, contractors and others are well informed, trained, engaged and committed to the health and safety improvement process. We recognise that safe operations depend not only on technically sound plant and equipment but also on competent people and an active Health & Safety culture and that no activity is so important that it cannot be done safely.
- Regularly provide assurance that the health and safety processes in place are working effectively. While all employees and contractors are responsible for health and safety performance, line management is accountable for understanding and managing health and safety risks.
- Fully participate in hazard identification, risk assessment and the open and transparent reporting of health and safety results.
- Maintain public confidence in the integrity of our operations. We will regularly consult experts outside of the business to improve our understanding of external and internal health and safety issues associated with our operations.
- Manage all companies that are employed by Compass Construction and ensure they comply with our health and safety standards, as well as assuring ourselves that they operate to systems compatible with those of Compass Construction and will use contractors that operate recognised health and safety procedures.
The Compass Construction policy statement will be subject to regular reviews and amendments as often as considered necessary, but no less than every 12 months.